Function fcnnls

  • Fast Combinatorial Non-negative Least Squares with multiple Right Hand Side


    • X: Matrix | number[][]

      The data/input/predictors matrix

    • Y: number[] | Matrix | number[][]

      The response matrix

    • Optional options: FcnnlsOptions<undefined | false>

    Returns KOnly

    By default, the object with the matrix of coefficients K. Please see FcnnlsOutput for more information.

  • Parameters

    • X: Matrix | number[][]
    • Y: number[] | Matrix | number[][]
    • Optional options: FcnnlsOptions<true>

    Returns KAndInfo

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends undefined | boolean


    • X: Matrix | number[][]
    • Y: number[] | Matrix | number[][]
    • Optional options: FcnnlsOptions<T>

    Returns KAndInfo | KOnly