The prediction matrix
The target matrix (values: truthy for same class, falsy for different class)
Returns the area under the DET curve
Returns the area under the ROC curve
Computes a measure from the prediction object.
Many measures are available and can be combined : To create a ROC curve, you need fpr and tpr To create a DET curve, you need fnr and fpr To create a Lift chart, you need rpp and lift
Possible measures are : threshold (Threshold), acc (Accuracy), err (Error rate), fpr (False positive rate), tpr (True positive rate), fnr (False negative rate), tnr (True negative rate), ppv (Positive predictive value), npv (Negative predictive value), pcfall (Prediction-conditioned fallout), pcmiss (Prediction-conditioned miss), lift (Lift value), rpp (Rate of positive predictions), rnp (Rate of negative predictions)
The short name of the measure